In and Out of Tune documentation from PAB OPEN

A durational performance which took place in the segregated yard of Bergen's Old Prison. 

In and Out of Tune by Sofie Knudsen Jansson, Elisabeth Færoy Lund and Eleanor Clare from Eleanor Clare on Vimeo.

Three individuals in three cells are shifting between an internal and external focus. They are tuning into their surroundings by practicing attentive listening and intuitive vocal response.

The audience are invited to ring the bell, which will bring the three individuals into tune.

Once a day they come together to share a meal, and will at this time only focus on the action of communal eating.

In and Out of Tune by Eleanor Clare, Sofie Knudsen Jansson and Elisabeth Færøy Lund

PAB OPEN Tune in and Tune Out at the Gamle Kretsfengsel

Listening, waiting, focus shifting inwards and outwards.  A radius of sound around me in this solitary space.  Sometimes I hear movement on the other side of the wall, comforting and encouraging.  The leaves feel soft and caressing, I cannot see them but they add a richness to my sensations. 

Eleanor Clare, Elisabeth Færøy Lund, Sofie Knudsen Jansson at PAB OPEN

I Am Still Within You at Bergen Arkitekt Skole Old Grain Silo

Here are some installation stills from the exhibition and performance

Eleanor Clare performing with Johanne Birkeland, Natalie Sandtorv & Karoline Wallace

Film installation by Kam Wan for the sound piece Nebula Fields by Marcus Davidson

Film installation for I Am Still Within You by Eleanor Clare, Kam Wan & Marcus Davidson

Nothing About Trees

Eleanor Clare, Kam Wan and Marcus Davidson will be showing their collaborative piece 'I Am Still Within You'

Visus Tactus Gustus documentation